Our social partnerships

Digital Society Alliance (Alliantie Digitaal Samenleven)

This alliance was set up in 2019, in collaboration with Beeld & Geluid (Sound & Vision), ECP/Veiliginternetten, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Number 5 Foundation. The objective of the alliance is to highlight the urgency of digital balance and digital inclusion and to put it on the agenda within society as a whole. The alliance has four working groups: family, seniors, young adults and people in work, and each of them have applied for funding from the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations. We are active in the working group for families and seniors. 

National Foundation for the Elderly (Nationaal Ouderenfonds

The National Foundation for the Elderly focuses on combating loneliness by providing activities that enable senior citizens to come together and keep in touch with one another. Our collaboration with the Foundation is directed towards providing the Welcome Online programme for senior citizens. The Foundation actively promotes the programme amongst its members and organises Welcome Online group sessions. They also match volunteers with senior citizens as a means of providing individual support and set up a Welcome Online Helpdesk during lockdown.  

Child and Hospital Foundation (Stichting Kind en Ziekenhuis

The Child and Hospital Foundation is the patients’ organisation for children who are receiving medical care and is our partner in the Allies (Bondgenoten) programme. The Foundation takes care of the applications and distribution of the robots, maintains contact with parents and schools and increases awareness of the programme amongst hospitals, schools and patients’ organisations. 


We work together with the national expertise centre for girls/women and science/technology. Each year, we organise a Girls Day, during which 150-200 girls participate in a variety of workshops at the offices of VodafoneZiggo, with the goal of introducing them to technology and ICT. The most recent event was held online due to COVID-19. 

Media Literacy Network (Netwerk Mediawijsheid

The objective of the Media Literacy Network is to ensure that everyone in the Netherlands grows up and lives a media-literate life, and it assists us in developing and distributing our programmes in the area of digital skills. 

NL Digital 

We are a member of the Education working group. The members of this network work together to build the education and labour market of the future. Their goal on the one hand is to increase digital know-how and skills and on the other hand to reduce the shortage of IT talent. 

ECP | Platform for the Information Society (Platform voor de Informatie Samenleving

ECP | Platform for the Information Society is an independent and neutral platform, within which government, science, business, educational and social organisations collaborate in public-private partnerships and exchange information about how to create a responsible digital society. We are members of ECP and play an active part in the Digiskills (Digivaardig) programme. ECP was involved in the development of our programmes in the area of digital skills. 

Online Child Abuse Expertise Centre

VodafoneZiggo supports the Online Child Pornography Hotline of the Child Abuse Expertise Centre (EOKM), which combats and prevents the (online) sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children.

Disabled Sports Fund (Fonds gehandicaptensport)

Raising awareness for disabled sports, making sport possible for everyone with a disability and improving the range of sports on offer. That is what the Fonds Gehandicaptensport (Disabled Sports Fund) is committed to. VodafoneZiggo sponsors the fund. 


JINC believes that every child should have the same opportunities. That’s why the organisation helps children aged 8 to 16 to get a good start on the employment market. Children can become acquainted with different professions, discover what types of work suit their talents and learn how to apply for jobs. JINC is our partner for the Experience Days. They arrange for schools to visit our offices. 

Emma at Work

Emma at Work offers support to young people with chronic physical disabilities and helps them on the road to an independent future. The organisation supervises the young people in their personal development and assists them in their search for work. VodafoneZiggo is a member of the ‘Club van 1000’ (1,000 Club), a network of employers who help young people find side jobs, holiday work, work experience placements, traineeships and permanent or temporary work. 

Our partnerships in the area of diversity and inclusion




People at a distance from the labour market

Onbeperkt aan de slag (organisation supporting people with occupational impairment)  

Recruitment, training courses and talent development

Limped blue                     

Management of our offices


Dedicated to out 'Sign Language Coffee Bar' and work sessions about sign language  

Energieq Sterk Sociaal   


Normaalste Zaak                       

Networking and information

PSO Netherlands                 

Quality mark Prestatieladder Socialer Ondernemen (Performance Ladder More Social Entrepreneurship, PSO)

Edwin v/d Sar Foundation      

Events and talent development

Gender equality

Talent to the Top               

Workshop sessions, training courses, events and monitoring of progression

W.I.C.T. Europe            

Events, workshop sessions and coaching

Women Inc                       



Pride Utrecht                             

Principal sponsor of Pride Utrecht

Business Pride Amsterdam     

Networking and events

Workplace Pride                        

Lobbying and events

Corporate Queer                     

Training courses, events, workshop sessions and 'sparring' partner


Refugee Talent Hub                 

Events, 'Meet & Greets', mentoring and training

Agora Network                 

Events and mentoring


Young Digitals                             

Marketing support by talented individuals at a distance from the labour market

Diversity in Company                

Meetings, events and signatory to the charter