How we create value for our stakeholders

Making sure that the Netherlands remains connected. Never before was the crucial social role we play in Dutch society as clear as it was this past year. We ensured that millions of people could stay in contact with friends, family, colleagues, classmates and customers. In this way, we created value for our stakeholders and thus increased our positive social impact and reduced our negative impact.

We use our value creation model – in line with the guidelines of Integrated Reporting – to provide insight into our value creation process: which value we create, for whom and how we do that. This model provides insight into what we need in order to carry out our operating activities, what we subsequently do with that, what the results of this are and in which way we make impact with that on environment and society. The value creation model therefore shows the essence of our organisation at a glance.


As an organisation, we make use of various forms of capital. One type of capital we use is our network. Without our transmitter masts, data centres, neighbourhood cabinets and cables in the ground, we would be unable to offer our customers a network that gives them nationwide coverage. Our people make sure that our strategy is implemented in practice. They contribute their knowledge, which helps us to innovate and improve our products and services. They make agreements with suppliers, carry out maintenance on our systems and are the ones who are in day-to-day contact with our customers. Financial resources are needed for us to keep investing in our network, in our employees and in sustainable and innovative solutions. We also make use of natural resources, such as energy, water and raw materials for the development of our networks, our offices and the products we sell to our customers. Finally, we also work with our social partners to create value for society.

Business model

Our value creation model revolves around our business model and our strategy. Our strategy is geared towards the achievement of our goal, which is: enjoyment and progress with every connection. We do this by putting the customer centre stage in everything we do, investing in a fast, reliable and future-proof network, investing in the digital future and by delivering the best services and products. In addition, in 2020 we were able to embed CSR in all our activities, our policy, our products and services. We have drawn up a new CSR strategy for this entitled ‘People, Planet, Progress.’ Last year, we presented our new social goals for 2025 under this title: to halve our impact on the environment and to help two million people move forward in society.


The products and services we deliver to our customers and stakeholders and the activities we perform have different internal and external outcomes. For instance, we ensure that millions of people can phone each other and surf the Internet whilst still guaranteeing their security and privacy. We make sure that our employees can both flourish and develop in the direction they want to go. We generate revenue so that we can invest in our network, innovations and our employees. We are also working actively to reduce both our waste and our CO2 emissions. We use the social partnerships we join to improve digital inclusion in Dutch society for students, families and the elderly.

Our impact

Our activities impact on society and we create (economic, social and ecological) value for our customers and society. This is how we ensure that people and businesses can use our network to stay connected with each other and to carry out their activities. We also create employment opportunities.

In addition, we put pressure on the environment by using raw materials and through our emissions. Our People, Planet, Progress strategy that we launched in 2020 means we are working even harder to reduce our negative impact on the environment and to increase our positive impact on society by increasing digital inclusion and making an active contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.